I have found the source of the problem discussed in my other string on the subject. I started this new string so the solution would stand out if someone is searching. Hope no one minds.
My Post war Interarms Mauser HSc slide did not always lock on the last round; not an uncommon problem among handguns and a problem with several possible causes. However, I also noticed that the magazine protruded .04 inches further than it should from the bottom of the grip and tapping the bottom of the magazine would cause a locked open slide to closely unexpectedly = not safe.
The source of the difficulty was a missing part. A part that, I believe, is not found in the prewar HSc design. It is a sleeve through which the magazine catch pin runs and from which the mag catch hangs and pivots. If there is no sleeve, then the mag catch will hang and pivot from the smaller diameter mag catch pin. This improper positioning prevents the catch from fully seating the magazine into the gun and from correctly engaging the magazine safety. I could write more about these details but I won’t. I think you get the picture. I tried to attach a 800 x 600 180KB jpeg image but I always get a forum error message. If anyone can suggest a fix, I will post a picture.
My Interarms Mauser was recently given to me by a family member that has owned it for 20 years and never fired it. Before that it was owned by another family member for more that 5 years (he doesn’t remember exactly) but he knows he never tinkered with the mag catch. I will never know for sure but I think it is possible that this gun left the factory missing this sleeve because few people ever disassembled their guns to the degree necessary to remove and lose that sleeve. And the gun operated mostly correct….
This sleeve is not shown in any HSc diagram that I could find online and I must have inspected 30-40 examples. So how did I so brilliantly figure this out? …Bought myself another Interarms HSc in NRA Fine condition and took it apart….One can not have too many HSc’s! Not only did the new gun have the sleeve installed but it came with the original owner’s manual which shows the sleeve as item #37 Sleeve.