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Messages - f4wso

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I have a prewar commercial #83xxx so I believe made in 1912/13. It has the proper second type safety and trigger as best I can tell. Function fine except in order to get it to fire you need to hold down the safety while pulling the trigger - not safe. It feels like it goes into the detent ok and will not fire if I pull the trigger and then hold down the safety.

I replaced the mainspring and recoil spring and no change.

Any idea of how to fix this problem? If not, I'll ask the age-old question. Any gunsmithes out there that work on Mausers (C96 or HsC)?

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: C96 hammer won't drop
« on: August 08, 2018, 03:31:45 PM »
I have the same problem with one I just bought. If I hold down the safety it fires or at least the hammer drops. Not sure that helps but curious is you fixed yours

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: September 18, 2017, 04:47:12 PM »
Thanks for clarifying. Soaking now. The take down latch if really pushed down can be made to stick/wedge in place, but will easily spring back with a gentle touch.

I agree, something is not right on the inside of this pistol. Hate to see that happen to these old guns

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: September 18, 2017, 02:22:15 PM »
Warbird, thanks.

In answer to your question. When I push down on the Latch it wants to return (spring) back up.

I have noticed when I engage the safety the whole slide moves forward and when I move safety to fire the slide moves backward. If I then pull trigger in DA the safety moves half way to on on first pull and then all the way to safe on the second. Not sure if this is normal?

So I understand your recommendation, I should
1. Place pistol upside down and flood with penetrating oil (I have Kroll and WD40) through the Latch on the front of the trigger (and/or Trigger Base gap)
2. Let set for a few days
3. Holding pistol upright push down on the latch while shaking the pistol and moving the slide forward and up

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: September 17, 2017, 09:53:14 PM »
Yes, correct. The slide can be opened and even locks back on mag. I think the safety has to be off to pull slide all the way back

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: September 17, 2017, 10:32:06 AM »
Agree, it might be the takedown plunger but it does seem like a heavy piece of metal. Anyway, I tried soaking it for a while in de-greaser and still no luck.

I'll check with the owner and see if he wants it back. At least I can give it a good home.

Any HSc savvy gunsmiths you can recommend?

Thanks to all who helped.


Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: September 05, 2017, 05:10:01 PM »
Vlim, good idea. Took a look with both grips off couldn't see any blockage. Thanks

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: September 02, 2017, 10:54:44 AM »
Seem like an increase in pressure and may be little bit of slight grinding

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: August 31, 2017, 06:59:32 PM »

Thanks for all the advice. I guess something is broken inside and keeps the slide from moving forward. I don't know if it is normal but when the safety is engaged the slide moves forward which to me would lock it tighter on the takedown latch. Anyway, it is a neat looking paperweight for now

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: August 30, 2017, 12:38:06 PM »
Jim, good idea maybe not pushing down far enough. Not sure if you measured it but mine goes deeper than 2mm by eyeball. With a plastic tip actually managed to get it farther down and stuck - still no luck. Thanks, Wib

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:20:48 AM »
All thanks, a lot of good ideas. I tried all of the suggestions to no avail with the help of extra hands and a vice. Maybe I am missing something or it is the arthritis. I have pushed the barrel latch all the way down with tool slightly into the trigger guard, while holding the hammer back and moving the slide forward. The slide doesn't budge. Am I missing anything?

I am used to having problems with old firearms and it always works outs - reason for the hobby. I want to salvage this pistol and will keep trying.

Regards, Wib

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: August 29, 2017, 12:39:49 PM »
Thanks Warbird. Would that have anything to do with my inability to get the slide off? If so, any tricks you know to get it off so I can do the repair? I've changed extractors and springs on other weapons or is it time to find a HSc-capable gunsmith? Wib

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: August 29, 2017, 10:22:57 AM »
Gun seems to function fine passing safety checks. Only thing I noticed different is as you fire in double action with the safety off, the safety slides into safe and prevents firing. I don't think this is a rust problem since not a lot on the rest of the pistol. I haven't tried to cycle and bullets thru it  Thanks,

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: August 28, 2017, 03:07:54 PM »
Thanks, tried the rubber hammer and some CLP Powder Blast to no avail. I will have to find and buy some Blaster next. Regards, Wib

Model HSC Pistol / Re: HSc Takedown Problem
« on: August 28, 2017, 02:09:48 PM »
Mags out. I'll try my rubber hammer

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