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Mark C.

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Hello from new member
« on: March 05, 2014, 09:20:19 PM »
Hello to the Group!
[/size]After the cessation of hostilities in Europe, my father confiscated pair of 7.65 Mauser pistols from a German army officer. (That is a good story in itself.) Dad gave me one of the pistols, with the original holster and extra magazine about 40 years ago. The weapon is in the 499000 series, but without the "humpback" grip. A "between the wars" model. I have kept the gun in my nightstand, and fired a few dozen rounds through it at the range periodically ever since. In all this time the gun has never had a failure of any kind, and has never failed to cleanly fire or eject a round. After around 95 years of use, including combat, the little Mauser finally broke a part. The Safety suddenly quit working the last time I fired it. I assume this is due to a broken Trigger Bar Spring. I ordered a new one from Numrich for $10 + shipping. Anyone ever used Numrich for replacement parts? How are they to deal with? Once I have the part, I will need to dismantle the gun further than I have ever yet done for typical cleaning, and may have some questions for the group at that point. Thanks!
[/size]Mark C. in Cincinnati, OH, USA


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Re: Hello from new member
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 03:26:29 PM »
Hello Mark and welcome to the forum,
If you provide a complete serial number I may be able to tell you a little more about your example but it sounds like a 1914/34 transitional. These have a straight back grip of the earlier 1914 models but have the MAUSER WERKE slide address of the later 1934 models. They were made between 1930-1934. "Humpback" is usually used to refer to the first 2800, 7.65 mm pocket models, which are rare and fall into a prototype catagory, not the curved grip of the 1934 model. The problem with your safety may be the spring and Numrich or Wolf spring replacments should work fine. I think Numrich gets their springs from Wolf. Numrich has been in buisness for many years and I have never had any problems in my dealings with them. If we can help you when it is time to take it apart we will. It may not even be the spring that is the problem.
Burgess Mason
B. Mason
NAPCA member, NRA life member
aim small, mis small